parents brought her to her uncle’s cabin in the woods to spend the summer
vacation. If she were to be frank, it
wasn’t her favorite place. For miles
around the cabin, there was nothing but trees.
It was only a few
hours since they reached the cabin, and Daisy was already bored. She decided to take her camera and go out on
a stroll through the woods while her parents prepared lunch.
Daisy’s elder
sister, Diana, who was away in college, was going to join them tomorrow. But
Daisy wasn’t looking forward to meeting her either. In a way, Daisy was jealous of her elder
sister, because she was everything Daisy wanted to be. She was slim, good
looking, and popular.
After she had
walked for a while, Daisy decided to sit down for a while. She was already
feeling short of breath.
Daisy hated
herself. Her doctor said she suffered
from depression. And whenever she was depressed, she ate whatever she could get
her hands on. Over the last few years, she had gained a lot of weight.
As she sat on a
fallen tree and checked her snaps on her digital camera, something on the
ground caught her eye. Some shiny.
She slowly got up
and picked it up. She was surprised to find that it was a mobile phone.
She looked around
expecting the owner of it to walk up to her and demand she give it back, but
she was alone.
She pressed a
button and surprisingly the screen lit up.
She sat back down
and began to go through the applications in hope of finding the owner’s
numbers, but the contacts list was empty.
On the home screen
was an app. It had the face of a pretty
girl and the word “LIFE” written in sparkly letters. Getting curious, she clicked on it.
The screen turned
green and said: “Please enter your name and date of birth to proceed.”
She did as
instructed. Then the screen said: “Please
wait. Processing…”
After a few
seconds, it said,
“Welcome to LIFE!!
I want to
Daisy wondered what
the app would do. She typed in:
“I want to [lose
weight. Be beautiful]”
As soon as she
finished entering the text, the screen said,
“Opps! It seems like
you don’t have any credit. Click to Buy Credit now!”
She did so.
The new screen
Getting more
curious, she clicked on “YOUR PARENTS.”
The screen turned
green again with the text: “Processing
your request. Please wait…”
A few seconds
later, it said, “DONE!”
Daisy laughed. She
wished it was that simple.
She decided it was
time she headed back to the cabin. Lunch must be ready by now.
As she got up, she
felt her jeans slip down to her knees. She almost dropped her camera in shock
when she looked down at her skinny legs. She realized her T-shirt was now
oversized. She had really become thin!
She must have been dreaming,
but it seemed so real. She wondered how
her parents would react when they heard her story.
She ran back to the
cabin pulling her jeans up in one hand and her camera and the phone in the
Upon reaching the cabin, she
decided that first she needed to change into something fitting before she
showed herself to her parents. Luckily,
her parents were not around and she ran right into her room.
She couldn’t
believe how thin she had become. In fact, she was so thin that none of her
clothes fit her. Finally, she had to dig out her pajamas and wear them.
When she came out looking
for her parents, they hadn’t returned yet.
She assumed they must be out searching for firewood.
She went back into
her room and proceeded to take photographs of herself. She was truly beautiful.
She wasn’t chubby
anymore. And the best part was that she didn’t even have any stretch marks from
the weight loss.
She started to get
worried about her parents as they hadn’t returned yet. And she was starting to
feel very hungry. She prepared herself
some omelets and started to eat them.
That’s when she heard
a notification alert on the phone.
“You are out of
credits! Buy more to get more time!”
She ignored it and
continued to eat her meal.
Then it
happened. Suddenly she felt as though
the room temperature had gone up. And
she began to feel as though her organs were beginning to swell up insider
her. She found herself in excruciating
pain. Her pajamas started to feel
tighter and tighter.
After an agonizing
minute’s confusion, Daisy realized that she was gaining her weight back. And it didn’t seem to slow down.
She screamed out in
pain for her parents, but there was still no sign of them.
She picked up the
phone and clicked on “Buy more credits!”
The next page said,
She clicked on
The screen turned
green with the text: “Processing your
request. Please wait…”
- Rejo John